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Knit ANIMAL Hats and Animal Spirit Hats

The Delux Knit Animal Hats all started from the classic Sock Monkey Hat. These hats are truly deluxe. Beautifully made by Delux Knitwits from clean downunder New Zealand wool, these Knit Animal Pilot Hats just pull you in - they're too cute to be true.

Everybody's got a favorite Knitwits animal, and though we can't beat Noah, we've got a lot of 'em. There's the Monkey of course in all its variations, the regular monkey in different colors all the way to multi-colored monkey and everything else from zebras to cats to penguins, dogs giraffes, moose to name a few. We even have a selection of knit animal ear muffs! Also we have kids sizes in the Animal hats and Kids Beanies to boot. And how about Sesame Street-a natural for these animal style hats- is the Cookie Monster an animal?

Come on in and look around- we have even more in the store. We don't just exist in cyberspace; we've been the busiest Hat store in California for 32 years and we'll be around for a lot more. You can buy from us with confidence. And we've added here some furry hats including our spectacular faux fur Unicorn Hats in white or pink
Knit ANIMAL Hats and Animal Spirit Hats Knit ANIMAL Hats and Animal Spirit Hats Reviewed by Unknown on 1:46 AM Rating: 5

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